111學年度 華興國小 毛慧中教師
教科書版本 | 康軒 | 領域科目 | 語文-英語文 |
備課日期 | 2022-11-24 09:00:00 | 備課地點 | 綜合教室 |
授課日期 | 2022-12-08 14:00:00 | 授課地點 | 301教室 |
議課日期 | 2022-12-08 15:00:00 | 議課地點 | 綜合教室 |
學生人數 | 13 | 公開程度 | 對外公開 |
授課年級 | 3年級 | 授課班級 | 301 |
教學時間(分鐘) | 40 | 教學策略/型式 | 線上教學,數位學習精進方案 |
壹、準備活動: Warm up 活動一 (Activity 1) Let’s say Hi Greeting &
Introduction 老師向學生簡單的打招呼 Teacher says hi to students 簡短介紹今天課程的單字句型
Briefly introduce the content of today’s class, including
vocabulary and sentences. 活動二 Let’s sing 1. 播放歌曲What color is
it?並請學生跟唱 Play the song” What color is it? Teacher will invite
students to sing the song. The color song by
https://youtu.be/YyFLBTTAbSE What Color Is it? 貳、發展活動 Presentation
and Practice 活動一 1.Let’s learn (1)主要單字教學 Teaching of main
vocabulary red,yollow,green,blue,pink, purple A.Listen and say
並請學生依照聽到的單字, Teacher will play e-book and invite students to listen
and read the vocabulary. Students should follow the instruction
from teacher to find the color which matches with the vocabulary on
the book. B. Listen and Number 依序在課本頁面(p.66)裡的大圖空格中填入數字1-6 Follow
the instruction of p.66 and fill out the numbers 1-6 in the
picture. **在進行單字教學時,老師利用所學
Teacher uses the rule of phonics to guide students to find the
vowel of vocabulary and combine consonant. Students should try to
spell and pronounce the vocabulary. (2)主要句型教學 Read and Say What
color is it? It’s ________. 運用句型條和圖字卡帶領學生替換單字練習口說活動 並將所學過的單字(例如
問What color is the_____? 答It’s ___.做為延伸練習 Use sentence and
vocabulary card to help students to apply the vocabulary
(ball,car,doll,pencil,marker,apple,banana,grapes...etc.) which they
learned to practice the conversation. Question: What color is
the_____? Answer: It is ____. After students understand how to
pronounce the words and know the meaning of each pictures,teacher
then asks the sentences. What color is the_____? Answer: It is
_____. Teacher review the words and the sentence. Teacher will act
out the sentence by modeling it two times. What’s this?It’s a ____.
What color is the _ball__? It’s blue. The ball is blue.It’s blue.
Students will repeat each of the new sentence several times 活動二
Let’s write and say Pair works (Ask and Answer) 將學生兩兩分組
1.發下印有9個格子裡列出 9種顏色名稱的學習單(1) 並發下色紙,請學生將色紙正確 的擺放在相對應的格子裡,並寫 出對應的英文單字
完成學習單後可和同組同學互相 做單字句型做 What color is the_____? It’s ___對話問答練習 Ask
students to write down the answer which matches the learning sheet
which has 9 boxes and 9 colors on it. After that, students should
practice the conversation with their partners. 2.完成單字和色紙配對的學習
單,以及兩人都完成9個色彩問答單字和句型的小組,教師給予獎勵 After finish all of activity 2,
teacher will give students an award. 活動三 Let’s play & say
老師準備不同顏色的球,丟出並 用What color is it?的句子, 請接球學生根據球的顏色回答 It’s
_______.以此活動加強 單字句型的口說練習 Teacher will throw different color of
balls to ask students” What color is it?” The student who catch the
ball should answer what color it is. This activity emphasize the
oral practice by using vocabulary and sentence. 參.綜合活動 Production
活動一 1.Let’s draw & choose 請學生拿出平板進入pear deck
網路平台,依照老師的指示使用平板載具畫出老師指定的顏色和物品, 接著可在blooket網路平台裡做單字和句型的認讀答題選擇練習
Students will need to follow the instruction and go on the website”
pear deck” to draw color and item. After that, they can review what
they learned on the website” blooket” 活動二 2.Let’s show and tell
將本次課程習得的單字句型,以遊戲互動的方式,結合課程和平板的做個別作業和競賽結果的呈現,增加互動和學習的樂趣 Students can
learn the vocabulary and sentence by interacting with their peers
and teacher, including personal assignment, and playing the game
with Ipad. Wrap up 老師再次複習本次課程的單字和 句型 Teacher review the new words
and sentences again. Homework assignment: 1.發下學習單指定回家作業,老師 說明作業內容
2.請學生利用教學資源網站做老師指定的線上作業來做課後的練習 參考網站:因才網 3. 教師對課堂活動練習句型對話的學生給予鼓勵 1.
Hand out the worksheet To assess students’ understanding. 2.Using
the resource on website 3.Teacher compliment the student who
practice the conversation in class. ~本節結束~ The end