112學年度 中興國小 劉權瑩教師
教科書版本 康軒 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2024-03-04 11:20:00 備課地點 創課教室
授課日期 2024-03-14 09:35:00 授課地點 五年忠班
議課日期 2024-03-14 13:10:00 議課地點 創課教室
學生人數 19 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 5年級 授課班級 五年忠班
教學時間(分鐘) 40 教學策略/型式 雙語教學

In the beginning of the class, ask students if they ever go somewhere on their own or go to the place they've never been to and they have to figure it out by themselves. Try to explain the word "adventure" and give kids more situations to think about what the meaning of the word, adventure. Then lead them to answer the quesitons with the sentence patterns and some vocabularies in the unit to make them be familiar with the sentences and words that is relateds to the transportations they are going to learn.

Read the words several times and play some games to make sure kids can read each single word correctly. Then design a game to recall their memories what the places we've learn before. Ask each team to write them down in a limited time. Then we play "look&say" to practice the S/P. 


學校單位 觀課者 申請時間
中興國小 王憶如教師 2024-03-04 12:55:46