113學年度 成功國中 蕭薇薇教師
教科書版本 康軒 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2024-09-24 13:00:00 備課地點 本校會客室會客室
授課日期 2024-10-01 09:15:00 授課地點 701班教室
議課日期 2024-10-07 13:00:00 議課地點 本校會客室會客室
學生人數 24 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 1年級 授課班級 701
教學時間(分鐘) 40 教學策略/型式 其他

Lesson 2


a. Play the video twice(only English), and then ask the students some questions about the content of Dialogue.

b. Make sure that most of the students can realize what is taught in Dialogue.

c. Ask the students to talk about their animal signs.

d. Ask the students to read Dialogue ( repeat after the CD).

e. Ask the students to finish page 26.


a. Play the video twice (only English), and then ask the students some questions about the content of Reading.

b. Make sure that most of the students can realize what is taught in Reading.

c. Ask some students to talk about their favorite animals.

d. Ask the students to read Reading ( repeat after the CD).

e. Ask the students to finish page 32-33.


學校單位 觀課者 申請時間
成功國中 陳碧玉教師 2024-09-30 11:06:57