113學年度 成功國中 許慧卿教師
教科書版本 翰林 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2024-09-26 09:15:00 備課地點 4 F 辦公室
授課日期 2024-10-02 11:05:00 授課地點 Class 802
議課日期 2024-10-09 09:15:00 議課地點 4 F 辦公室
學生人數 21 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 8年級 授課班級 802
教學時間(分鐘) 45 教學策略/型式 雙語教學,科技輔助自主學習,其他

Unit 2 You can learn about game design after you join the club.


1. Play related videos of famous ads attractions to generate motivation.

2. Through the guidance of pictures before class, let students discuss the content in the pictures to understand what information they can get from the ad.

3. Ask students to guess what content may appear in this ad from the title, and make small groups 

    What is the purpose of an ad ?

    What information can you usually see in an ad ?

    The reading is an ad for a video game design club. What factors can make you join a club ?

4. The teacher plays the e-book , let the students watch the reading animation and listen to the text  

5. Remind students to learn to use the reading strategy in this article: scanning. of this policy

6.The purpose is to hope that students scan the content of the article and find out the narratives of each paragraph in the article in order to understand the article.

7.Teach the pronunciation and usage of words that appear in reading.

8. Ask the students to read the content of the text, please pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.



學校單位 觀課者 申請時間
成功國中 吳昭蓉教師 2024-09-26 14:58:44