113學年度 成功國小 游文霓學務主任
教科書版本 自編 領域科目 綜合活動
備課日期 2024-11-21 08:10:00 備課地點 401教室
授課日期 2024-11-21 10:30:00 授課地點 401教室
議課日期 2024-11-21 12:40:00 議課地點 401教室
學生人數 18 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 4年級 授課班級 401
教學時間(分鐘) 40 教學策略/型式 雙語教學

Preparation stage

1.     Story time- Use storybook “ The Color Monster” to draw Ss’ attention.

2.     Goal of this lesson- to learn we have different emotions in daily life. To learn how to deal with them in a positive perspective.

3.     Question: How do you feel now? Are you happy?

Student can answer the question either in Chinese or English.

Development stage

1.     Ask and discuss

T: Now take out your book and turn to page 20.

      Teacher's Guiding Questions for Student Observation Unit.

  • What things did Hao Tianzhen encounter?
  • How did he feel and what were his thoughts when facing undesirable situations?
  • When facing tasks that are unfamiliar or challenging, how would you handle it? What was the outcome?
  • When facing life's challenges, do you have confidence in yourself?
  • When dealing with failure or negative situations, can you shift your negative thoughts and find positive ones? Can you adjust your emotions and start again?
  • What activities in life make you feel relaxed and happy? Why?

    Discuss in pairs, then have the students share.

2.  Practice

Design three scenarios for three groups of students to draw lots and perform how to turn life’s setbacks into positive thoughts.

Summary stage

1.Summarize the content of the three groups' performances, guiding students to recognize the impact of thoughts on emotions and behaviors. Through positive thinking, effective action strategies, and a proactive attitude, we can better face challenges and achieve personal growth and change.

2.Homework: Record your emotions throughout the week in your notebook and be prepared to share and discuss in the next class.

 End of the first session