113學年度 南榮國中 吳孟槿教師
教科書版本 | 自編 | 領域科目 | 語文-英語文 |
備課日期 | 2024-10-29 10:00:00 | 備課地點 | 語言教室 |
授課日期 | 2024-10-29 15:45:00 | 授課地點 | 802教室 |
議課日期 | 2024-10-30 10:00:00 | 議課地點 | 語言教室 |
學生人數 | 15 | 公開程度 | 僅校內公開 |
授課年級 | 1年級 | 授課班級 | 801+802 |
教學時間(分鐘) | 45 | 教學策略/型式 | 科技輔助自主學習 |
This lesson plan
encourages students to use English through clear role assignments,
like Master, Writer, Speaker, and Card Holder to promote active
participation and teamwork. Fun activities like group discussions,
Bingo games, and dictation keep students engaged while helping them
learn the language. Questioning and guided discussions encourage
students to express their ideas in English. Social rewards help
create a friendly and interactive atmosphere, boosting students'
confidence and participation in a fun learning