113學年度 中正國小 顏惠君學務組長
教科書版本 | 康軒 | 領域科目 | 藝術 |
備課日期 | 2025-01-07 08:00:00 | 備課地點 | 創客教室 |
授課日期 | 2025-01-07 08:50:00 | 授課地點 | 創客教室 |
議課日期 | 2025-01-07 15:10:00 | 議課地點 | 創客教室 |
學生人數 | 15 | 公開程度 | 僅校內公開 |
授課年級 | 3年級 | 授課班級 | 301 |
教學時間(分鐘) | 40 | 教學策略/型式 | 雙語教學 |
- 樂器:
- 三角鐵 (Triangle) × 8
- 響板 (Wood Block) × 8
- 手搖鈴 (Hand Bell) × 8
- 鈴鼓 (Tambourine) × 4
- 教具:
- 農場動物圖卡 (雞、鴨、豬、牛、羊)
- 節奏圖卡
- 歌詞海報
- 音響設備
- 認知領域:能正確念出歌詞、認識基本節奏型、學習樂器的正確演奏方式
- 技能領域:能正確演奏節奏樂器
- 情意領域:培養合作學習精神、建立音樂表演自信心
- Warm-up (5分鐘) 引起動機:
- "Good morning, everyone!"
- "How are you today?"
- 等待學生回應:"I'm fine, thank you!"
- "Today we're going to the farm!"
- "What animals can you see on a farm?" 讓學生自由發表,並出示動物圖卡
- "Let's warm up our body!"
- "Follow me!" 拍手節奏: ♩ ♩ ♩ ♩ (慢速)
- "Clap, clap, clap, clap!" ♫ ♫ ♩ (中速)
- "Fast fast slow!"
- 介紹樂器與示範 (8分鐘) 樂器展示:
- "These are our instruments today."
- "Look and listen carefully!"
依序介紹每種樂器: 三角鐵:
- "This is a triangle."
- "Hold it like this." (示範正確持法)
- "Play it gently." (示範演奏方式)
- "Now you try!" (邀請幾位學生示範)
- "This is a wood block."
- "Hold it in your left hand."
- "Use your right hand to tap." 手搖鈴:
- "This is a hand bell."
- "Shake it like this." 鈴鼓:
- "This is a tambourine."
- "You can tap or shake it."
- 歌曲教學 (10分鐘) 歌詞教學:
- "Look at the lyrics."
- "Repeat after me." 分句教唱:
- "Old MacDonald had a farm,"
- "E-I-E-I-O!"
- "And on that farm he had a (duck),"
- "E-I-E-I-O!"
- "With a (quack quack) here,"
- "And a (quack quack) there"
- "Here a (quack), there a (quack),"
- "Everywhere a (quack quack)"
- 農場:雙手畫圓形
- E-I-E-I-O:搖動身體
- 動物叫聲:配合手勢
- 節奏練習 (8分鐘) 分組練習:
- "Now we'll make four groups."
- "Group 1: triangle"
- "Group 2: wood block"
- "Group 3: hand bell"
- "Group 4: tambourine"
節奏型教學: Triangle: ♩ ♩ ♩ ♩ Wood Block: ♫ ♫ ♩ Hand Bell: ♩ ♪♪ ♩ Tambourine: ♪♪ ♪♪ ♩
- "Watch me first."
- "Listen to the rhythm."
- "Your turn!"
- "One more time!"
- "Excellent!"
- 合奏練習 (7分鐘)
- "Let's put everything together!" 分段練習:
- 只有樂器
- 加入歌唱
- 加入動作
- "Ready?"
- "One, two, ready, go!"
- "Keep the beat!"
- "Watch me!"
- "Stop!"
- 成果展示 (5分鐘)
- "Now it's show time!"
- "Remember to:"
- "Play your instrument carefully"
- "Sing clearly"
- "Watch the conductor" 分組演出:
- 每組輪流
- 最後一次全班一起
- 課程結束 (2分鐘)