110學年度 中正國中 張淑凌教師
教科書版本 康軒 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2022-03-29 00:00:00 備課地點 創課教室
授課日期 2022-04-11 14:10:00 授課地點 創課教室
議課日期 2022-04-11 15:05:00 議課地點 創課教室
學生人數 25 公開程度 對外公開
授課年級 7年級 授課班級 702
教學時間(分鐘) 45 教學策略/型式 跨領域(含議題融入)素養導向教學

I. Warm up time      

    Greeting: The students to answer the following questions together.

    1. What date is today?

  A: Today is April 11th.

    2. What day is today?

  A: It’s Monday.


II. Reading Teaching

1.  Play the video of the reading two times.  After playing the video without script for the first time, the teacher asks the students the following questions:

   (1) Who is the letter to?

   (2) Where is John’s mother now?

2.  Play the video with English script for the second time, and then ask the students the following questions
(1) What does John’s father do with John?
(2) Do John and his father miss John’s mother very much?
According to the reading, what’s the date today?

3.  Ask students to finish the questions on page 48 to examine the students’s ability of reading comprehension.


III. Activity

1.  Divide the students into five groups and distribute every group one piece of worksheet “ A Letter to _____”. 

2.  Make every student in every group discuss to finish the worksheet.

3.  Ask every group to choose one representitive to share their achievement of their discussion in the front of the classroom.

4.  Let the students of other groups read out their achievement of their discussion.


IV Wrap up

Review the "Reading"   and finish the worksheet “A Letter to _____” as the homework.




學校單位 觀課者 申請時間
中正國中 時新英教師 2022-03-30 10:48:23
中正國中 藍友君教師 2022-03-30 11:57:58