111學年度 百福國中 許雅惠教師
教科書版本 翰林 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2022-11-01 08:30:00 備課地點 801導辦
授課日期 2022-11-02 09:25:00 授課地點 801教室
議課日期 2022-11-02 10:20:00 議課地點 801導辦
學生人數 22 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 8年級 授課班級 801
教學時間(分鐘) 45 教學策略/型式 跨領域(含議題融入)素養導向教學,雙語教學

Warm up

Play the song “Be what you wanna be” and ask Ss how many jobs are mentioned in the song.

Warm up

Play the song “Be what you wanna be” and ask Ss how many jobs are mentioned in the song.   


1.Teach Ss theme words with Powerpoint slides.

2.Help Ss memorize the words they learned with a competition.

Divide Ss into several mixed ability groups. Each student will be given different tasks and earn points for their team.

(1)  Level C & D:

(Touch the right picture) Ask Ss to listen and touch the correct picture on the whiteboard. Two questions for each person.

(What does he/she do?) Ask Ss to answer questions according to the pictures. Two questions for each person.

(2)Level B: What’s missing?

(3)Level A: Guess my job


Wrap up

1. Show Ss Johnnie Walker commercial and ask Ss about what the robot wants to be.

2.Ask Ss to write down the answer to the question on p70: What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

3.Pair up:

Have Ss work in pairs and ask the question and answer the question on p.70.