112學年度 東信國小 黃玉蕙教務主任
教科書版本 | 自編 | 領域科目 | 藝術-視覺藝術 |
備課日期 | 2023-11-09 08:10:00 | 備課地點 | 會議室 |
授課日期 | 2023-11-13 13:20:00 | 授課地點 | 401教室 |
議課日期 | 2023-11-16 08:10:00 | 議課地點 | 會議室 |
學生人數 | 30 | 公開程度 | 僅校內公開 |
授課年級 | 4年級 | 授課班級 | 401 |
教學時間(分鐘) | 40 | 教學策略/型式 | 雙語教學 |
T: Now please enjoy watching everyone’s painting. Later you will share with your group members.
組內以下面的基本句子介紹自己的阿公阿嬤(祖父祖母):介紹內容畫中的特色,阿公阿嬤住哪裡? 跟阿公阿嬤相處的情形?等
T: Please talk to your group members about your painting about grandmother or grandfather. Where do your grandmother or
grandfather live? How do you get along with your grandma or grandpa?
S: This is my grandma.
(Talk about the painting in English or Chinese)
She(he) lives in _Keelung.
(Talk about the life with grandma or grandpa in English or Chinese)
I love my grandma.