112學年度 暖暖高中 張陳平教師
教科書版本 | 自編 | 領域科目 | 語文-英語文 |
備課日期 | 2024-06-12 14:00:00 | 備課地點 | 辦公室 |
授課日期 | 2024-06-12 15:10:00 | 授課地點 | 204 |
議課日期 | 2024-06-13 09:10:00 | 議課地點 | 辦公室 |
學生人數 | 16 | 公開程度 | 僅校內公開 |
授課年級 | 8年級 | 授課班級 | 204 |
教學時間(分鐘) | 50 | 教學策略/型式 | 跨領域(含議題融入)素養導向教學 |
1.To explore the themes, characters, and language in the picturebook "Little Red" by Bethan Woollvin, and to engage students in critical thinking, discussion, and creative activities related to the story.
2.To reinforce students' understanding of adjectives
and adverbs through a comprehensive review worksheet(from Week 37,Grammar Spot 3), providing practice and reinforcement of these grammar concepts.
Introduction (10 minutes):
1.Begin by introducing the picturebook "Little Red" by displaying the cover to the class.
2.Ask students what they think the story might be about based on the cover illustration.
3. Share a brief overview of the story, highlighting key characters and elements.
Reading and Discussion (30 minutes):
1.Read aloud "Little Red" to the class, displaying the illustrations as you read.
2. Pause at various points to ask questions and encourage predictions about what might happen next.
3 .After completing the reading, facilitate a discussion about the story's plot, characters, and themes. Then, try to retell the story in group.
Guided Practice (10 minutes):
1.Display the first section of the worksheet on the whiteboard.
2.Work through the examples together as a class, identifying whether each word is an adjective or an adverb.
3. Encourage students to explain their reasoning for each answer and clarity any
confusion about the concepts.