113學年度 正濱國中 楊雅婷教師
教科書版本 康軒 領域科目 語文-英語文
備課日期 2024-10-05 15:45:00 備課地點 導師室
授課日期 2024-10-07 09:15:00 授課地點 802教室
議課日期 2024-10-08 14:00:00 議課地點 導師室
學生人數 14 公開程度 僅校內公開
授課年級 8年級 授課班級 Class 802
教學時間(分鐘) 40 教學策略/型式 其他

Book3 Lesson3 Tina and Billy Were Looking For Water 

Reading Activities


A. Reading Comprehension Practice

1. Use the illustrations of the story to guide students in understanding the timeline of the story.

2. The teacher asks students about story elements, and students discuss in groups to complete a worksheet.


Tina and Billy Were Looking for Water


1.    Characters

Tina the Crow and Billy the Chicken

2.    Setting

Time: A quarter to twelve on Sunday. 

Place: In the forest.

3.    Problem

They were thirsty, but they couldn’t reach the water in the jar.

4.    What did the characters do to solve the problem?

They picked up rocks and dropped them one by one into the jar.

5.    Was the problem solved?


Yes. They collected enough rocks and drank the water in the jar.

6.    How did the story end?

After Billy asked Tina a question, she found out she made a mistake.


B. Group Activicities

1. Divide students into groups. Ask them to predict the moral of the story on page 39. They can choose one or multiple options.

2. Group members find sentences or reasons from the story to support their chosen moral.

3. Group members discuss why they did not choose the other morals.

4. Groups summarize the reasons for and against each option.

5. Each group presents their findings and fills in the reasons on page 48.


學校單位 觀課者 申請時間
正濱國中 林桂英教師 2024-10-04 17:27:29